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Thursday, January 7, 2016

What Are You Skerd Of? My Fashion Fears!

What are you Skerd Of???

Fashion fears:

Crop tops.  Maybe I could have worked it in a crop top say, a decade ago when my middle was smaller and I had the confidence of youth ... oh wait, no I didn't.  I was more critical of myself then than I am now.  And now, I'm still pretty modest.  And crop tops still scare me.

Fluffy, furry things... it's not that I don't like them.  In concept.  (as long as no actual animals were harmed in the process, of course.  ... I say, feeling a little hypocritical as I remember the steak I had for dinner.)  But, moral qualms aside.  I do enjoy the -idea- of cozy, fluffy, brightly colored fuzzy fashion items.  And, maybe, I could rock something on the less fluffy side- say, only a fur collar.  Or not all in eye-bleeding bright colors.  But, when it comes to reality, I have to admit that height-challenged people, such as myself, when encumbered with puffy accouterments, tend to look, well, overly short, and puffy.  And that's not such a great look.  Unless you're going for "teddy bear" I guess.  Maybe.

Perhaps, though... I could balance that out ... with some tall, elongating shoes?  Except that these, too, scare me.  A high platform, maybe.  But anything too high in the heel, too skinny and spiky-- let's just say that anyone as accident prone as me would have to opt out, if they value mobility.  And non-broken ankles.

Shaving my head also scares me.  I know, it's only temporary.  Hair grows back.  But still, I'm just not brave enough.  Yet. 

Okay.  Or, ever.  But maybe I will get up the nerve to dye my hair every color of the rainbow, at once. 

One thing I'm pretty sure I will never get over my fear of, though, is lash curlers.  Like, seriously!  Who thought of those anyway?  And how can people use them?  They are just scary looking.  I tried it.  I really did.  But I just don't get it.  There are so many ways it could go wrong.  And, no, making it pink doesn't help.  Neither does making it sparkly.

I haven't tried fake eyelashes yet either.  So afraid I'm gonna glue my eyes shut. 

Well, those are my fashion fears.
What are yours?

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