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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Graffiti Babe -- Street Art Fashion Collages

Graffiti Babe #1

     This summer, style is all about paint splatters, bright colors and graphic prints.  Throw it all in a blender, and you get a perfect mix of edginess and rebellion.  Graffiti is all about art, freedom, and expression ... and it's not just for guys either!  This fashion collage, zine-style street art spread is inspired in part by the trailer for the movie Girl Power, which is all about girls and graffiti!  (check it out here.)  Since fashion is all about self expression and making a statement, it seemed like the perfect combo!  Shop The Looks!

Graffiti Babe #2

Graffiti Babe #3

Graffiti Babe #4

Graffiti Babe #5

Graffiti Babe #6

Graffiti Babe #7

Friday, May 20, 2016

Micro Chores

I hate doing housework.  Dishes, laundry, vacuuming.  Sweeping and cleaning bathrooms... it all sucks.  (I can't even spell vacuum without spellcheck.)  But, hey, I can't afford a maid.  And so chores have to be done.  Even for someone such as I, who has a fairly high tolerance for living in a pigsty of a mess. 

I know how to clean. I can burnish a faucet to a mirror shine, I can bust a dustbunny.  I'm a competant scrubber, able to sweep and swish and dust and polish.  I understand the mysteries (mostly) of sorting darks from lights. 

I just hate doing it.  All of it.

It seems like such a chore.

More than that, I can't stand that as soon as you finish something, it seems, it has to be done over again.  Along with a million billion other tasks.

And, so, micro chores. 

Why not?  Everything else is small these days...

While waiting for a pot of coffee to brew, I put some dirty dishes in the dishwasher.  While microwaving a frozen dinner I'll sweep the floor.  Instead of doing all of my laundry at once, I'll only do as much as I feel like I can handle at the moment... making sure to include at least a few undergarments in each wash load.  One day I'll clean the bathroom sink, another I'll do the toilet and another day I'll scrub the tub.

So what if everything isn't all clean all at once?  It's better than nothing ever being clean at all.

Monday, January 11, 2016

elouai's doll maker 3

CandyBar Dollmaker

This doll is inspired by me and my dog Max!
(of course!)

(I can almost see the eyerolls of everyone who knows me, haha)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Welcome To Planet Marianne Thirteen!

A beautiful shopping destination, Planet Marianne-Thirteen  (or, M13 as the locals call it) is filled with wonderful sights and sounds and of course lots of things to buy! 

Simply click on the link below to be whisked away...

What Are You Skerd Of? My Fashion Fears!

What are you Skerd Of???

Fashion fears:

Crop tops.  Maybe I could have worked it in a crop top say, a decade ago when my middle was smaller and I had the confidence of youth ... oh wait, no I didn't.  I was more critical of myself then than I am now.  And now, I'm still pretty modest.  And crop tops still scare me.

Fluffy, furry things... it's not that I don't like them.  In concept.  (as long as no actual animals were harmed in the process, of course.  ... I say, feeling a little hypocritical as I remember the steak I had for dinner.)  But, moral qualms aside.  I do enjoy the -idea- of cozy, fluffy, brightly colored fuzzy fashion items.  And, maybe, I could rock something on the less fluffy side- say, only a fur collar.  Or not all in eye-bleeding bright colors.  But, when it comes to reality, I have to admit that height-challenged people, such as myself, when encumbered with puffy accouterments, tend to look, well, overly short, and puffy.  And that's not such a great look.  Unless you're going for "teddy bear" I guess.  Maybe.

Perhaps, though... I could balance that out ... with some tall, elongating shoes?  Except that these, too, scare me.  A high platform, maybe.  But anything too high in the heel, too skinny and spiky-- let's just say that anyone as accident prone as me would have to opt out, if they value mobility.  And non-broken ankles.

Shaving my head also scares me.  I know, it's only temporary.  Hair grows back.  But still, I'm just not brave enough.  Yet. 

Okay.  Or, ever.  But maybe I will get up the nerve to dye my hair every color of the rainbow, at once. 

One thing I'm pretty sure I will never get over my fear of, though, is lash curlers.  Like, seriously!  Who thought of those anyway?  And how can people use them?  They are just scary looking.  I tried it.  I really did.  But I just don't get it.  There are so many ways it could go wrong.  And, no, making it pink doesn't help.  Neither does making it sparkly.

I haven't tried fake eyelashes yet either.  So afraid I'm gonna glue my eyes shut. 

Well, those are my fashion fears.
What are yours?